In an earlier post I posted pictures of the growing boxes that I have in my backyard. I thought it might be helpful for others to see how these boxes are used.

I discovered these City Pickers boxes (same idea as EarthBox planters) last Fall. I actually had heard of the idea of a growing box with a water reservoir in late summer, then happened to find some boxes at a local store. I even tried growing some vegetables and herbs in them during the winter, but the amount of sunshine we got in the backyard was only enough for the herbs and the lettuce to grow. But as soon as spring (and more sunny hours) arrived, I set up all the boxes in the backyard. Why are these boxes helpful? If you use the right potting mix and keep the water reservoir full at all times, you can grow a lot of wonderful produce in a small area, and without wasting water.

This is what the box looks like:

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After completing my long theater photography project today, I needed a bit of air. I set outside in the backyard, and I noticed that my cucumber plants started developing baby cucumbers! I grabbed my camera with the Lensbaby Velvet 56 and the +10 macro filter, and took these few images to share you with.

And I found a tiny garden helper on the dill as well: