I mentioned yesterday that I have been busy with some kind of a project. Here is the big reveal: my daughter is one of 190 students at her high school who take dance lessons. Once a year, in the spring, their dance teacher directs a dance show which is performed by all the dance students. The show is tonight and tomorrow night. I photographed the dancers during the two dance rehearsals with the purpose of sharing the pictures with the parents. Here is a miniature slideshow out of the thousands of pictures I took (the music is obviously not from the show):


Today I volunteered at one of the Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks’ Native Plant Nurseries. This place is really close to our house, but it’s on the other side of the hill with no drive through road in between us. A 20-minute drive takes me there.

At the nursery I helped fertilize and water native plants in small containers that eventually will be transferred into nature. It was just three of us there, and doing this work in nature was super fun. I don’t have a lot of pictures to show since I was working there, but I want to show the surroundings for sure.

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