Mark had the day off on Good Friday, and we decided to use our day together for a whale watching trip. We did one not too long ago, but it was cold and very windy that day. Friday was different; it was a very enjoyable day on the boat, and we got to see many sea animals. In addition to the brown pelicans and sea gulls, we also spotted a female Baleen Whale with her calf, we watched hundreds of Common Dolphins, and saw some resting sea lions. Basically, from the beginning of the trip till the end there was something to see.

Here is a collection of the pictures I took during the trip. Since I don’t own a long zoom lens that’s best for this kind of photography, I just used my 85mm lens – and later cropped the images.


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I didn’t want to miss a day from posting (I’m posting every day in April, in case you didn’t know it). But I haven’t had time to process my images from today. I won’t tell what we saw today at Newport Beach and in its vicinity, but we had a great day out at the ocean. So as a teaser, I just have a few images from the harbor.

I’ll make my “official” post tomorrow.

Tuesday night I attended a 3-mile hike at Orchard Hills, which is less than a 10 minute drive from my home. This hike is not open to the public unless you sign up for a volunteer docent led hike organized for certain times of the week. Orchard Hills is part of the over 50,000 acres Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks.

What makes this hike special is that you actually walk around a working avocado orchard.

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Today I volunteered at one of the Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks’ Native Plant Nurseries. This place is really close to our house, but it’s on the other side of the hill with no drive through road in between us. A 20-minute drive takes me there.

At the nursery I helped fertilize and water native plants in small containers that eventually will be transferred into nature. It was just three of us there, and doing this work in nature was super fun. I don’t have a lot of pictures to show since I was working there, but I want to show the surroundings for sure.

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