A few weeks ago I got a chance to apply to participate in a project called the Traveling Burnside, and I am one of the chosen participants. Due to my summer traveling schedule I was given a special opportunity to keep the new Lensbaby lens for a longer period of time instead of just a couple of weeks. I am extremely happy about this opportunity: having this lens (and other Lensbaby lenses) with me in Hungary in the  summer will liven up my trip.
I have been taking photos in Hungary during my summer trips for over a decade, close to two. I’ve visited the same locations over and over with the hopes of capturing them from new points of view. Using the Lensbaby lenses this coming summer will definitely give me a new way of portraying my lovely birth town.Here are a few examples of how I have seen the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest in the past 8 years or so:

​I have been using Lensbaby lenses for about 6 months. I started with the Sweet 50, added the Velvet 56 (which has quickly become my favorite lens), and finally I added the Sweet 35. I am not using Lensbaby lenses exclusively; I switch between them and my Nikon prime and zoom lenses depending on the subject. I haven’t had a lot of experience with people photography with the Lensbaby lenses, mostly due to the manual focusing. Even though I love taking sharp photos of certain subjects, I also very much like the dreamy softness and lack of tack sharpness of the Lensbaby photos. The Burnside lens seems to offer lots of variables and therefore versatility. I’m hoping to create unique images with it in my favorite topics (flowers and architecture ), and I’d like to experiment with subjects I am not too comfortable with (portraits and street photography).
I’m planning on setting up a challenge for myself: I’ll have certain topics I’d like to photograph, I’ll use as many different settings as I can, and I’ll try out various techniques. I know for a fact that some of these tries will not result in great photographs, but some should. I’d like to report about my failures as much as about my good results. ​
Join me on my virtual Burnside tour.


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