Today my husband surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of lilies. It was an anniversary present; we met 18 years ago today, on a very snowy day in Denver, when the power was out in many homes. But we had a wonderful first date at the local On the Border restaurant. My lucky day…

I used the Lensbaby Twist 60 for all images, but the second two were done with macro lenses.

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In today’s post I’ll complete sharing images about our brief trip to Colorado. On the way home I sat by the window again, and kept trying to use Lensbaby lenses for my shots. It was very hazy for the whole trip, we were flying above a very thin layer of clouds. But I still found a few pictures that stood out somewhat from the rest. Here they are:

Twist 60

Twist 60

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When I was experimenting with the Twist 60, I tried it with my beautiful and fragrant Freesia flowers. The first image was taken at F2.8 from about the minimum distance this lens can handle. Post processing in Lightroom, On1 Effects and Topaz Studio.

For the second image I placed the +4 macro filter on the lens, and this is the image I created (same post-processing):

There is definitely a lot of potential in this lens for me. I’ll share more images in the coming days.

Which image do you like more?

In the month of April I will try to post at least a picture every day. Sometimes it will be just the image, sometimes a little story to go with it, and other times it might be a series of pictures.

Since today was a traveling day for us (visiting grandparents), I picked the above image to showcase.

This is a Fortnight Lily from my backyard that bloomed just minutes prior to this shot. I was in the backyard testing the Lensbaby Twist 60 without and with a macro filter on my flowers, and during that time the bud opened into this pretty flower. I did use the +4 macro filter for this image.


Towards the end of March my friend and I took a train trip into Los Angeles, and enjoyed a nice, slowly paced walk in the city for a few hours. Since we were not in a hurry whatsoever, using Lensbaby lenses was a good option. Let me share with you a few pictures of the areas we visited, which included Union Station, the City Hall (great view from the 27th floor!), the Bradbury Building, the Grand Central Market (I only ate there, no pictures), and the Disney Concert Hall. The lenses I used were: Twist 60, Sol 45 and Velvet 56.

Enjoy the brief tour of Los Angeles.

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